strategic plan – CIEBA

centro de investigação e de estudos
em belas-artes

strategic plan

Short Term: Strategy

CIEBA will embed the role of art studies focusing on five strategic goals:

Goal 1. Facilitate meaningful engagement with relevant audiences, enrolling younger and mature practitioners and researchers towards an advanced education;
Goal 2. Deepen thematic Research
Goal 3. Ensure research placement and its curation and safekeeping;
Goal 4. Enhance relevant interactions and meaningful creative interventions with cultural and social impact;
Goal 5. Facilitate meaningful engagement between art, and innovation, through the transfer of knowledge and technology.


Goal One
Facilitate meaningful engagement with relevant audiences, enrolling younger and mature practitioners and researchers towards an advanced education.

Priority One: Build capacity for the development and nurturing of transformative relationships.
— Research autonomy and academic independence interconnected with a team work and advanced supervision;
— Peer reviewed calls and the build of an art academic international community;
— International conferences, convocation of colloquia;
—  Stronger internationalization of CIEBA’s calls;
— Stronger indexation and internationalization of the CIEBA’s academic journals;

Priority Two: Strengthen of academic protocols and systematic approaches to art research
— Scientific Advancement and knowledge placement through the support to the researchers integrated programs;
— Systematic academic protocols to be commonly accepted;
— Thematic delimitation and the formation of small research teams;
— Guidelines of rigor, demands for internal and external validity and for assessed outcomes;

Priority Three: Comprehensive training from community level to advanced post graduated
— Major role of CIEBA on the advanced training, namely on the PhD program “Belas Artes” at FBAUL;
— Commitment to enroll young undergraduates and master students to present and communicate their research on academic environment;
— Actions close to the community of broader academic and artistic dissemination providing pathways for lifelong advanced learning in the arts:
— Scientific initiation of young students, through the challenge of tasks, seminars and paper/poster presentations;


Goal Two
Deepen Thematic Research

Priority One: Deeper understanding of the arts
— Support deeper understanding of the arts through its study;

Priority Two: Thematic areas in the studies ‘About art’.
— Research on a theoretical approach to Aesthetics, Visual Culture, Semiology, Heritage and Art History;

Priority Three: Deepen thematic areas in the studies ‘Through Art’.
— Artistic studies leading to an educational approach, formal and informal, such as art education or museology, curatorship and collaborative interventions;
— Product Design, Communication Design, Interface Design, New Media;

Priority Four: Deepen thematic areas in the studies ‘For Art’.
— Art research advocacy;
— Art based research as a method;
— Contemporary museology and curatorship agency;


Goal Three
Ensure research placement and its curation and safekeeping

Priority One: Open access
— Open Access: all CIEBA´s journals are to be fully open access and licensed Creative Commons CC-BY;
— Indexation in DOAJ of all journals;
— online editions of journals;
— online edition of books;

Priority Two: Permanent repository of data
— Preservation, curation and dissemination of data: thoroughly use of permanent URLs (Handle) in connection with the library and the university repository;
— indexation of data and academic outcomes through permanent indexation (as SciELO);

Priority Three: Retrieving knowledge
— Traceability for analytics of quotations, through indexing of CIEBA journals on scientific indexing data bases;
— To retrieve older research documents, through digitalization;
— availability of data on passive bibliography on Portuguese artists driving to the promotion of a scientific and technological culture;
— availability of different levels of online documents, searchable through markup;


Goal Four
Enhance relevant interactions and meaningful creative interventions with cultural and social impact;

Priority One: relevance to society
— Assessment of impact of artistic events, best practices
— Add value to interventions through public implication
— Upscaling of cultural audiences
— Collaboration with training actions on emergent countries;

Priority Two: relevance to culture
— Acknowledgement of relevant authors trough their study, research and curated exhibits;
— Cultural capitalization of art creators and practitioners;
— Enhance artist’s actions through systematic and curatorial approaches;
— Develop stronger research on contemporary and less known authors;

Priority Three: relevance to science
— Transfer of knowledge through annual international symposia, congresses, and indexed peer reviewed journals;
— Foster higher standards of contemporary curatorship;


Goal Five
Facilitate meaningful engagement between art, and innovation, through the transfer of knowledge and technology;

Priority One: relevance to Technology
— Transfer of technology through CIEBA’s modelling and prototyping laboratories and conservation and heritage laboratories;
— partnerships with other R & D Units to share results and lab environment;

Priority Two: relevance to economy
— participation in international research networks, emphasis in Spain and Brazil;
— collaboration with industry through project development, modelling, design experience, essay benchmarks;




Knowledge communication;
Academic indexed international journals;
International agenda;
Cultural demand for authenticity;
Awareness of citizenship through art knowledge;
Best practices and knowledge protocols;
Art research national benchmarks;
International positioning acknowledged by peers;
Stronger international collaboration;
Establishment of a research international network Lisbon based;
Industry interface and dialogue on R & D;
Added economic value to art research.