structure – CIEBA

centro de investigação e de estudos
em belas-artes


Organization of the R&D Unit for 2018-2022.  Major outlines of the structure of the center.
The Center is articulated on 8 research groups:

— RESEARCH GROUP: Sciences of Art and Heritage — ‘Francisco de Holanda’;
— RESEARCH GROUP: Communication Design;
— RESEARCH GROUP: Sculpture;
— RESEARCH GROUP: Multimedia Art;
— RESEARCH GROUP: Artistic Education.

The two research labs, Heritage Lab and FabLab are managed by their respective research leaders, thus belonging to the Research and Studies Group in Sciences of Art and Heritage — ‘Francisco de Holanda’ (Heritage Lab) and Design Research Group (FabLab).

Each Research group is responsible for periodical academic events, such as congresses, symposia, seminars with scientific committees (committees of external majority and peer review procedures). Each group is also responsible for the calls and the edition of distinct collections of monographs.

The Center is also involved on post graduation classes, namely the PHD program. The complete arrangements for the different seminars will be organized by the program coordinator with the assistance of each research group leader and faculty staff. To all these activities the researchers from participant institutions are totally free and encouraged to fully participate on supervising lecturing conferencing and developing their own projects.

The Center is also organized through its recent Regulation that establishes a clearer organization and simple rules about types of activities, eligibility of expenses and requirements, and the prioritization of support to research projects, according to simple criteria: what is more adequate to support and what is more pertinent to promote. Impact, visibility, internationalization, and larger enrollment of the centers’ researchers are some of the criteria that make a project more eligible to support. Consistency through the evidence of success along several iterations of the same event is also valued. 

This center is committed with a high level of knowledge dissemination, through a relentless rhythm of publication and scientific reunions and calls. CIEBA keeps track on publishing 6 different journals, timely and consistently, journals that are indexed in demanding platforms such as SciELO and others. All this material is treated in html, xml and markup, in order to allow a fast rendering of the bibliographic data. Our researchers, master, and PhD students, and also senior researchers, participate thoroughly on these journals. But the main focus of these activities is their attractiveness to researchers from other countries, the vast majority indeed, that gather in Lisboa to meet several times for several different and rich events.

This emphasis on the dissemination and publishing of journals and monographs is a practical way of structuring the center through the outcomes, by the action and the opportunity of periodically academic gatherings, exchanging ideas with our fellows, that come from a wide span of different countries. 

Academic leadership is promoted by stepping forward, leading, organizing, and gathering foreign partners, achieving acknowledgement and extra stimulus to strive and deepen art research.