our calls – CIEBA

centro de investigação e de estudos
em belas-artes

our calls

VI Congresso Internacional: Santuários, Cultura, Arte, Romarias, Peregrinações, Paisagens e Pessoas 
Tema: A linguagem revelada

online, 6 a 12 de dezembro 2021

O congresso internacional é uma parceria entre a Universidade Federal Fluminense, por meio do Centro de Artes UFF, a Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa, o Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa e a Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

Entre a última edição do Santuários que teve como tema “A morada como santuário” e o tema atual, há como que um jogo de espelhos e inversões numa sutil conversação. A assertiva de Heidegger de que a “linguagem é a morada do ser” é a chave que conecta esses dois planos ou temas. Em 2021, a sexta edição do congresso abordará o tema com toda a forma de expressão que carregue sentido, seja ela escrita, falada, corporal e imagética. Para toda forma de manifestação religiosa e espiritual, há uma linguagem que perpassa a tradição, a renovação e o encantamento com o sagrado, nos seus ritos e leituras.

Contacto pelo email: congresso.santuarios@gmail.com | info: www.congressosantuarios.com

DATA LIMITE: 17 de outubro de 2021


I Jornadas Francisco de Holanda

Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa | 27 a 30 de outubro de 2021

Francisco de Holanda (1517-1584), individualidade que confere o nome ao grupo integrante do Centro de Investigação e de Estudos em Belas-Artes (CIEBA), que organiza estas Jornadas, viveu no notável contexto do humanismo renascentista, sobretudo pautado por uma compreensão complexa do Homem nas suas diferentes facetas, inquietações e problemáticas artísticas, filosóficas ou históricas.

Com estas Jornadas, e partindo desta ideia de diversidade, complexidade e transdisciplinaridade, da Seção Francos de Holanda, convidam-se todos os investigadores e colaboradores, desta secção, a participarem, com o objetivo de partilharem e darem a conhecer os seus projetos de investigação.

As propostas deverão ser enviadas para o email: jornadasfranciscoholanda@gmail.com

info: I-jornadas-seccao-francisco-de-holanda-cieba

Data Limite: 05 de outubro de 2021 07 de outubro de 2021


Revista Arte e Cultura Visual – Centenário de Ernesto de Sousa (1921-1988)

The call is aimed at multidisciplinary thinkers and artists who wish to share their reflection and their work. Each issue is dedicated to a theme. This issue is dedicated to the Centenary of José Ernesto de Sousa (1921-1988), an unavoidable and alive figure in the context of contemporary Portuguese art.


Deadline: 31 de julho de 2021


5 minutes of Drawing

5 minutes :: 5 videos :: 5 names :: 5 talks :: 5 days

5 Minutes of Drawing is an online event organized by the Drawing Research Group of CIEBA with broadcast at FBAUL’s Instagram. It aims to disseminate academic research, artistic work or scientific articles in the field of Drawing through the presentation of 5-
minute videos that are linked to a text, document or article that frames the communication presented.


Continuous proposals submission


Call for papers: XI International Congress CSO’2020 “CSO: Creators On Other Works”

CIEBA and Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes – Lisbon, Portugal | April 2-8, 2020

We challenge creators and artists in the various areas. Communications are encouraged about the work of an artist or creator. The author of the article should also be an artist or graduated creator.


Deadline for sending abstracts: December 7, 2019.


Convocarte Journal nº 8/9 – Art and Time | Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa

In February 2019, the Coordination of the digital journal Convocarte launched the call for nº8-9, with a thematic issue on «Art and Time». Convocarte is an academic journal of the field of arts, published by Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, with Editorial Board, Scientific Council and peer review that is receivig submissions.

Applications through the e-mail: convocarte@belasartes.ulisboa.pt | info

Deadline: August 31, 2019


ARTETEORIA Journal – Metamorphoses of Tiles: Portugal / Brazil – Rereadings, Reviews, Recreatings

In the next issue of the ARTETEORIA Journal, we intend to reflect on contemporary Portuguese and Brazilian tiles and their articulations with Design, Architecture and Art. The objective is to analyze and discuss the phenomena of creation and reception, continuities, breaking points and new opportunities on the metamorphosis of the historical languages ​​of tiles in contemporary production. This initiative emerges in the context of a project that explores the encounter between Portuguese and Brazilian cultures, reflecting on different issues, among them the creative contemporaneity in tiles and, above all, the controversial problem of the construction and deconstruction of post-colonial countries. Publishers: Luísa Arruda and Alice Nogueira Alves.

Submission of articles to the e-mail: revista.arteteoria@gmail.com | info_normas

Deadline: May 31, 2019


ENIAD – Research Meeting on Art and Design

Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa | October 2 and 3, 2019

EnIAD’s (Art and Design Research Meeting) aim is to promote a more informal presentation environment of finished or ongoing postgraduate research projects that foster the sharing of knowledge, experiences and challenges regarding the development of a Research Project, a Dissertation or a Thesis. It is also intended to encourage discussion and reflection on the specificities of academic research in Art and Design fields, and the consequent confrontation between theory and practice, science and art. info

Deadline: May 31, 2019 | Full texts: June 30, 2019


VIII Raw-Matter International Congress: Art Education Practices at the elementary, medium and high school

Sociedade Nacional de Belas-Artes, Lisboa, Portugal | 1 – 7 july  2019

A call to teachers and researchers in visual arts education in order to share, at the meeting “VIII Raw-Matter International Congress: Art Education Practices at the elementary, medium and high school” its operational perspectives on curriculum development with a focus on their objective results.

Theme: Teaching the arts, perspectives and examples | info

Deadline for submission of synopses: March 23, 2019
Deadline for submission of full texts: April 25, 2019


Francisco de Holanda International Congress (c.1518-1584): art and theory in the European Renaissance

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and National Library of Portugal | November 22-24, 2018

Promoted by two research centers of the Universidade de Lisboa, the CIEBA of Faculdade de Belas Artes, and the ARTIS, the event is presided over by PhD Sylvie Deswarte-Rosa, and is held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon, with a session at the National Library of Portugal.
Francisco de Holanda International Congress is organized as part of the 5th centenary of the birth of the illustrious figure of Portuguese art from the 16th century and, as a theorist of the arts, a name with a vast international repercussion.

info  | program


Multiple Expression II: Theory and Practice of Drawing | Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa | December 15, 2018

This congress aims to develop a comprehensive view on research in Design. It is primarily aimed at researchers who work dissertations and theses in Drawing or in other areas that may in some way broaden the discussions related to this area of ​​knowledge. The aim is to debate and disseminate the different experiences, methodologies and results.

All abstracts and articles will be submitted to a peer review. The approved abstracts will be delivered printed at the conference and the full texts will be published online at the Repository of the Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa.

Communications Submission
1st Phase – Submission of provisional summaries
Until November 18, 2018, deadline for submission of abstracts
Until 30 November notification of pre-acceptance or refusal

The abstracts (up to 300 words) must be accompanied by 3 keywords and a short biographical note of the author(s) that should have a maximum of 100 words. Files in Pdf format.

Proposals should be sent to the email of the congress: expressaomultipla@gmail.com


Convocarte Journal – Ars Ludens – Art, Play and Entertainment | Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa

The Coordination of the digital journal Convocarte launched the call for nº 6-7, with thematic issue on «Ars Ludens – Art, Play and Ludens», with special coordination by the Researchers Pascal Krajewski and Jorge Martins Rosa. Convocarte is an academic journal of the field of arts, published by Faculdade de Belas Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, with Editorial Board, Scientific Council and peer review that is receivig submissions.

Applications through the e-mail: convocarte@belasartes.ulisboa.pt | info